Seria FR-A800 Plus

Seria FR-A800 Plus

Produkty napędowe Falowniki, przetwornice częstotliwości

Do istniejących już wysokiej wydajności i funkcjonalności przetwornic serii FR-A800, dodawane są optymalne funkcje dla każdego dedykowanego obszaru.

Seria FR-A800 Plus do dźwigów

Przetwornice częstotliwości – FR-A800-CRN


Przetwornica FR-A800-CRN dedykowana jest do zastosowań dźwigowych i wciągarek. Ze względu na jej wbudowane funkcje, takie jak "oscylacyjne sterowanie tłumieniem", "funkcja najkrótszego czasu uruchamiania momentu", jak również "regulacja prędkości na podstawie obciążenia", dedykowane funkcje CRN umożliwiają optymalizację czasu taktu, co zwiększy wydajność i bezpieczeństwo użytkownika.

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Dane techniczne

Warunki pracy Dane techniczne
Napięcie zasilania FR-A840: 3-fazowe, 380–500 V AC (-15 %, +10 %), 50/60 Hz;
Temperatura otoczenia -10 ºC do +50 ºC (bez oszronienia) (przeciążalność LD, ND, HD);
-10 ºC do +40 ºC (bez oszronienia) (przeciążalność SLD)
Wilgotność otoczenia Zgodnie z IEC 60721-3-3, klasa 3C2,
maksymalna wilgotność względna 95% (bez skraplania)
Wysokość nad poziomem morza Maks. 1000 metrów n.p.m.
Stopień ochrony IP20 dla przetwornic mocy do 22 kW, IP00 dla przetwornic o mocy 30 kW i większych
Odporność na wstrząsy Maks. 5,9 m/s²
Tranzystor hamowania Wbudowany w przetwornicach o mocy do 55 kW (400V) i 22 kW (200 V)
Typ Prąd znamionowy [A] MotoMoc znamionowa silnika [kW] SxWxG (mm)
klasa 400 V SLD* LD* ND* HD* SLD* LD* ND* HD*
FR-A840-00023 2.3 2.1 1.5 0.8 0.75 0.75 0.4 0.2 150x260x140
FR-A840-00038 3.8 3.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.4
FR-A840-00052 5.2 4.8 4 2.5 2.2 2.2 1.5 0.75
FR-A840-00083 8.3 7.6 6 4 3.7 3.7 2.2 1.5
FR-A840-00126 12.6 11.5 9 6 5.5 5.5 3.7 2.2
FR-A840-00170 17 16 12 9 7.5 7.5 5.5 3.7 220x260x170
FR-A840-00250 25 23 17 12 11 11 7.5 5.5
FR-A840-00310 31 29 23 17 15 15 11 7.5 220x300x190
FR-A840-00380 38 35 31 23 18.5 18.5 15 11
FR-A840-00470 47 43 38 31 22 22 18.5 15 250x400x190
FR-A840-00620 62 57 44 38 30 30 22 18.5
FR-A840-00770 77 70 57 44 37 37 30 22 325x550x195
FR-A840-00930 93 85 71 57 45 45 37 30 435x550x250
FR-A840-01160 116 106 86 71 55 55 45 37
FR-A840-01800 180 144 110 86 75 75 55 45
FR-A840-02160 216 180 144 110 110 90 75 55 465x620x300
FR-A840-02600 260 216 180 144 132 110 90 75
FR-A840-03250 325 260 216 180 160 132 110 90 465x740x360
FR-A840-03610 361 325 260 216 185 160 132 110
FR-A840-04320 432 361 325 260 220 185 160 132 498x1010x380
FR-A840-04810 481 432 361 325 250 220 185 160
FR-A840-05470 547 481 432 361 280 250 220 185 680x1010x380
FR-A840-06100 610 547 481 432 315 280 250 220
FR-A840-06830 683 610 547 481 355 315 280 250
FR-A840-07700 770 683 610 547 400 355 315 280 540x1330x440
FR-A840-08660 866 770 683 610 450 400 355 315
FR-A840-09620 962 866 770 683 500 450 400 355 680x1580x440
FR-A840-10940 1094 962 866 770 560 500 450 400
FR-A840-12120 1212 1094 962 866 630 560 500 450

* SLD= Super niska przeciążalność (110 % przez 60 s, 120 % przez 3 s);
LD= Niska przeciążalność (120 % przez 60 s, 150 % przez 3 s);
ND= Normalna przeciążalność (150 % przez 60 s, 200 % przez 3 s);
HD= Wysoka przeciążalność (200 % przez 60 s, 250 % przez 3 s)


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Seria FR-A800 Plus do aplikacji nawijania

Przetwornice częstotliwości – FR-A800-R2R


Przetwornica FR-A800-R2R zadedykowana jest do zastosowań związanych z nawijaniem. W związku z wbudowanymi funkcjami, takimi jak "automatyczne obliczanie średnicy nawijania", "automatyczna regulacja prędkości rolki tańczącej" i "bezczujnikowe sterowanie momentem w celu uzyskania idealnego naprężenia", FR-A800-R2R idealnie nadaje się do zmniejszenia kosztów PLC w aplikacjach nawijania.

czytaj więcej (pdf)

Dane techniczne

Warunki pracy Dane techniczne
Napięcie zasilania FR-A840: 3-fazowe, 380–500 V AC (-15 %, +10 %), 50/60 Hz;
Temperatura otoczenia -10 ºC do +50 ºC (bez oszronienia) (przeciążalność LD, ND, HD);
-10 ºC do +40 ºC (bez oszronienia) (przeciążalność SLD)
Wilgotność otoczenia Zgodnie z IEC 60721-3-3, klasa 3C2,
maksymalna wilgotność względna 95% (bez skraplania)
Wysokość nad poziomem morza Maks. 1000 metrów n.p.m.
Stopień ochrony IP20 dla przetwornic mocy do 22 kW, IP00 dla przetwornic o mocy 30 kW i większych
Odporność na wstrząsy Maks. 5,9 m/s²
Tranzystor hamowania Wbudowany w przetwornicach o mocy do 55 kW (400V) i 22 kW (200 V)
Typ Prąd znamionowy [A] MotoMoc znamionowa silnika [kW] SxWxG (mm)
klasa 400 V SLD* LD* ND* HD* SLD* LD* ND* HD*
FR-A840-00023 2.3 2.1 1.5 0.8 0.75 0.75 0.4 0.2 150x260x140
FR-A840-00038 3.8 3.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.4
FR-A840-00052 5.2 4.8 4 2.5 2.2 2.2 1.5 0.75
FR-A840-00083 8.3 7.6 6 4 3.7 3.7 2.2 1.5
FR-A840-00126 12.6 11.5 9 6 5.5 5.5 3.7 2.2
FR-A840-00170 17 16 12 9 7.5 7.5 5.5 3.7 220x260x170
FR-A840-00250 25 23 17 12 11 11 7.5 5.5
FR-A840-00310 31 29 23 17 15 15 11 7.5 220x300x190
FR-A840-00380 38 35 31 23 18.5 18.5 15 11
FR-A840-00470 47 43 38 31 22 22 18.5 15 250x400x190
FR-A840-00620 62 57 44 38 30 30 22 18.5
FR-A840-00770 77 70 57 44 37 37 30 22 325x550x195
FR-A840-00930 93 85 71 57 45 45 37 30 435x550x250
FR-A840-01160 116 106 86 71 55 55 45 37
FR-A840-01800 180 144 110 86 75 75 55 45
FR-A840-02160 216 180 144 110 110 90 75 55 465x620x300
FR-A840-02600 260 216 180 144 132 110 90 75
FR-A840-03250 325 260 216 180 160 132 110 90 465x740x360
FR-A840-03610 361 325 260 216 185 160 132 110
FR-A840-04320 432 361 325 260 220 185 160 132 498x1010x380
FR-A840-04810 481 432 361 325 250 220 185 160
FR-A840-05470 547 481 432 361 280 250 220 185 680x1010x380
FR-A840-06100 610 547 481 432 315 280 250 220
FR-A840-06830 683 610 547 481 355 315 280 250
FR-A840-07700 770 683 610 547 400 355 315 280 540x1330x440
FR-A840-08660 866 770 683 610 450 400 355 315
FR-A840-09620 962 866 770 683 500 450 400 355 680x1580x440
FR-A840-10940 1094 962 866 770 560 500 450 400
FR-A840-12120 1212 1094 962 866 630 560 500 450

* SLD= Super niska przeciążalność (110 % przez 60 s, 120 % przez 3 s);
LD= Niska przeciążalność (120 % przez 60 s, 150 % przez 3 s);
ND= Normalna przeciążalność (150 % przez 60 s, 200 % przez 3 s);
HD= Wysoka przeciążalność (200 % przez 60 s, 250 % przez 3 s)


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FR-A840-LC and FR-A870-LC






















Applicable motor capacity (kW) 1)












ND (initial setting)











Rated capacity (kVA) 2)












ND (initial setting)










Rated current (A)












ND (initial setting)










Overload current rating 3)


110% 60 s, 120% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 40 °C

110% 60 s, 120% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 40 °C


120% 60 s, 150% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

120% 60 s, 150% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

120% 60 s, 150% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

120% 60 s, 150% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

120% 60 s, 150% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

120% 60 s, 150% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

120% 60 s, 150% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

ND (initial setting)

150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50 °C

Rated voltage 4)

Three-phase 380 to 500 V

Three-phase 380 to 500 V

Three-phase 380 to 500 V

Three-phase 380 to 500 V

Three-phase 380 to 500 V

Three-phase 380 to 500 V

Three-phase 380 to 500 V

Three-phase 525 to 690 V

Three-phase 525 to 690 V

Power supply

Rated input AC voltage/frequency

Three-phase 380 to 500 V 50/60 Hz 7)

Three-phase 380 to 500 V 50/60 Hz 7)

Three-phase 380 to 500 V 50/60 Hz 7)

Three-phase 380 to 500 V 50/60 Hz 7)

Three-phase 380 to 500 V 50/60 Hz 7)

Three-phase 380 to 500 V 50/60 Hz 7)

Three-phase 380 to 500 V 50/60 Hz 7)

Three-phase 525 to 690 V 50/60 Hz

Three-phase 525 to 690 V 50/60 Hz

Permissible AC voltage fluctuation

323 V to 550 V 50/60 Hz

323 V to 550 V 50/60 Hz

323 V to 550 V 50/60 Hz

323 V to 550 V 50/60 Hz

323 V to 550 V 50/60 Hz

323 V to 550 V 50/60 Hz

323 V to 550 V 50/60 Hz

525 V to 759 V 50/60 Hz

525 V to 759 V 50/60 Hz

Permissible frequency fluctuation








±5 %

±5 %

Rated input current (A) 5)












ND (initial setting)










Power supply capacity (kVA) 6)












ND (initial setting)










Protective structure (IEC 60529)

Open type (IP00)

Open type (IP00)

Open type (IP00)

Open type (IP00)

Open type (IP00)

Open type (IP00)

Open type (IP00)

Open type (IP00) 8)

Open type (IP00) 8)

Cooling system

Liquid cooling + forced air cooling

Liquid cooling + forced air cooling

Liquid cooling + forced air cooling

Liquid cooling + forced air cooling

Liquid cooling + forced air cooling

Liquid cooling + forced air cooling

Liquid cooling + forced air cooling

Liquid cooling + forced air cooling

Liquid cooling + forced air cooling

Operation panel

Accessory cover

Accessory cover

Accessory cover

Accessory cover

Accessory cover

Accessory cover

Accessory cover



Approx. mass (kg)











Surrounding air temperature 9)

-10 °C to +50 °C (non-freezing) (LD and ND ratings) -10 °C to +40 °C (non-freezing) (SLD rating)

-10 °C to +50 °C (non-freezing) (LD and ND ratings) -10 °C to +40 °C (non-freezing) (SLD rating)

-10 °C to +50 °C (non-freezing) (LD and ND ratings) -10 °C to +40 °C (non-freezing) (SLD rating)

-10 °C to +50 °C (non-freezing) (LD and ND ratings) -10 °C to +40 °C (non-freezing) (SLD rating)

-10 °C to +50 °C (non-freezing) (LD and ND ratings) -10 °C to +40 °C (non-freezing) (SLD rating)

-10 °C to +50 °C (non-freezing) (LD and ND ratings) -10 °C to +40 °C (non-freezing) (SLD rating)

-10 °C to +50 °C (non-freezing) (LD and ND ratings) -10 °C to +40 °C (non-freezing) (SLD rating)

-10 °C to +50 °C (non-freezing) (LD and ND ratings) -10 °C to +40 °C (non-freezing) (SLD rating)

-10 °C to +50 °C (non-freezing) (LD and ND ratings) -10 °C to +40 °C (non-freezing) (SLD rating)

Surrounding air humidity

95 % RH or less (non-condensing) (With circuit board coating (conforming to IEC60721-3-3 3C2/3S2)) 90 % RH or less (non-condensing) (Without circuit board coating)

95 % RH or less (non-condensing) (With circuit board coating (conforming to IEC60721-3-3 3C2/3S2)) 90 % RH or less (non-condensing) (Without circuit board coating)

95 % RH or less (non-condensing) (With circuit board coating (conforming to IEC60721-3-3 3C2/3S2)) 90 % RH or less (non-condensing) (Without circuit board coating)

95 % RH or less (non-condensing) (With circuit board coating (conforming to IEC60721-3-3 3C2/3S2)) 90 % RH or less (non-condensing) (Without circuit board coating)

95 % RH or less (non-condensing) (With circuit board coating (conforming to IEC60721-3-3 3C2/3S2)) 90 % RH or less (non-condensing) (Without circuit board coating)

95 % RH or less (non-condensing) (With circuit board coating (conforming to IEC60721-3-3 3C2/3S2)) 90 % RH or less (non-condensing) (Without circuit board coating)

95 % RH or less (non-condensing) (With circuit board coating (conforming to IEC60721-3-3 3C2/3S2)) 90 % RH or less (non-condensing) (Without circuit board coating)

95 % RH or less (non-condensing) (With circuit board coating (conforming to IEC60721-3-3 3C2/3S2)) 90 % RH or less (non-condensing) (Without circuit board coating)

95 % RH or less (non-condensing) (With circuit board coating (conforming to IEC60721-3-3 3C2/3S2)) 90 % RH or less (non-condensing) (Without circuit board coating)


Copper (C1220) is used for the inverter internal piping. Select an appropriate cooling system and a coolant to prevent corrosion.

Copper (C1220) is used for the inverter internal piping. Select an appropriate cooling system and a coolant to prevent corrosion.

Copper (C1220) is used for the inverter internal piping. Select an appropriate cooling system and a coolant to prevent corrosion.

Copper (C1220) is used for the inverter internal piping. Select an appropriate cooling system and a coolant to prevent corrosion.

Copper (C1220) is used for the inverter internal piping. Select an appropriate cooling system and a coolant to prevent corrosion.

Copper (C1220) is used for the inverter internal piping. Select an appropriate cooling system and a coolant to prevent corrosion.

Copper (C1220) is used for the inverter internal piping. Select an appropriate cooling system and a coolant to prevent corrosion.

Copper (C1220) is used for the inverter internal piping. Select an appropriate cooling system and a coolant to prevent corrosion.

Copper (C1220) is used for the inverter internal piping. Select an appropriate cooling system and a coolant to prevent corrosion.

Coolant temperature

1 °C to 40 °C (non-freezing)

1 °C to 40 °C (non-freezing)

1 °C to 40 °C (non-freezing)

1 °C to 40 °C (non-freezing)

1 °C to 40 °C (non-freezing)

1 °C to 40 °C (non-freezing)

1 °C to 40 °C (non-freezing)

1 °C to 40 °C (non-freezing)

1 °C to 40 °C (non-freezing)

Coolant flow rate 11)

2.9 to 3.7 L/min *For the FR-A840-03250(110K) and FR-A840-03610(132K) 6.0 to 7.5 L/min *For the FR-A840-04320(160K) to FR-A840-06830(280K), FR-A870-03590(280K), and FR-A870-04560(355K)

2.9 to 3.7 L/min *For the FR-A840-03250(110K) and FR-A840-03610(132K) 6.0 to 7.5 L/min *For the FR-A840-04320(160K) to FR-A840-06830(280K), FR-A870-03590(280K), and FR-A870-04560(355K)

2.9 to 3.7 L/min *For the FR-A840-03250(110K) and FR-A840-03610(132K) 6.0 to 7.5 L/min *For the FR-A840-04320(160K) to FR-A840-06830(280K), FR-A870-03590(280K), and FR-A870-04560(355K)

2.9 to 3.7 L/min *For the FR-A840-03250(110K) and FR-A840-03610(132K) 6.0 to 7.5 L/min *For the FR-A840-04320(160K) to FR-A840-06830(280K), FR-A870-03590(280K), and FR-A870-04560(355K)

2.9 to 3.7 L/min *For the FR-A840-03250(110K) and FR-A840-03610(132K) 6.0 to 7.5 L/min *For the FR-A840-04320(160K) to FR-A840-06830(280K), FR-A870-03590(280K), and FR-A870-04560(355K)

2.9 to 3.7 L/min *For the FR-A840-03250(110K) and FR-A840-03610(132K) 6.0 to 7.5 L/min *For the FR-A840-04320(160K) to FR-A840-06830(280K), FR-A870-03590(280K), and FR-A870-04560(355K)

2.9 to 3.7 L/min *For the FR-A840-03250(110K) and FR-A840-03610(132K) 6.0 to 7.5 L/min *For the FR-A840-04320(160K) to FR-A840-06830(280K), FR-A870-03590(280K), and FR-A870-04560(355K)

2.9 to 3.7 L/min *For the FR-A840-03250(110K) and FR-A840-03610(132K) 6.0 to 7.5 L/min *For the FR-A840-04320(160K) to FR-A840-06830(280K), FR-A870-03590(280K), and FR-A870-04560(355K)

2.9 to 3.7 L/min *For the FR-A840-03250(110K) and FR-A840-03610(132K) 6.0 to 7.5 L/min *For the FR-A840-04320(160K) to FR-A840-06830(280K), FR-A870-03590(280K), and FR-A870-04560(355K)

Maximum permissible pressure

300 kPa

300 kPa

300 kPa

300 kPa

300 kPa

300 kPa

300 kPa

300 kPa

300 kPa

Storage temperature

-20 °C to +65 °C 12)

-20 °C to +65 °C 12)

-20 °C to +65 °C 12)

-20 °C to +65 °C 12)

-20 °C to +65 °C 12)

-20 °C to +65 °C 12)

-20 °C to +65 °C 12)

-20 °C to +65 °C 12)

-20 °C to +65 °C 12)


Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt, etc.)

Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt, etc.)

Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt, etc.)

Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt, etc.)

Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt, etc.)

Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt, etc.)

Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt, etc.)

Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt, etc.)

Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt, etc.)


2000 m or less (For the installation at an altitude above 1000 m, consider a 3 % reduction in the rated current per 500 m increase in altitude.)

2000 m or less (For the installation at an altitude above 1000 m, consider a 3 % reduction in the rated current per 500 m increase in altitude.)

2000 m or less (For the installation at an altitude above 1000 m, consider a 3 % reduction in the rated current per 500 m increase in altitude.)

2000 m or less (For the installation at an altitude above 1000 m, consider a 3 % reduction in the rated current per 500 m increase in altitude.)

2000 m or less (For the installation at an altitude above 1000 m, consider a 3 % reduction in the rated current per 500 m increase in altitude.)

2000 m or less (For the installation at an altitude above 1000 m, consider a 3 % reduction in the rated current per 500 m increase in altitude.)

2000 m or less (For the installation at an altitude above 1000 m, consider a 3 % reduction in the rated current per 500 m increase in altitude.)

2000 m or less (For the installation at an altitude above 1000 m, consider a 3 % reduction in the rated current per 500 m increase in altitude.)

2000 m or less (For the installation at an altitude above 1000 m, consider a 3 % reduction in the rated current per 500 m increase in altitude.)


2.9 m/s² or less at 10 to 55 Hz (directions of X, Y, Z axes)

2.9 m/s² or less at 10 to 55 Hz (directions of X, Y, Z axes)

2.9 m/s² or less at 10 to 55 Hz (directions of X, Y, Z axes)

2.9 m/s² or less at 10 to 55 Hz (directions of X, Y, Z axes)

2.9 m/s² or less at 10 to 55 Hz (directions of X, Y, Z axes)

2.9 m/s² or less at 10 to 55 Hz (directions of X, Y, Z axes)

2.9 m/s² or less at 10 to 55 Hz (directions of X, Y, Z axes)

2.9 m/s² or less at 10 to 55 Hz (directions of X, Y, Z axes)

2.9 m/s² or less at 10 to 55 Hz (directions of X, Y, Z axes)

1 ) The capacity is the maximum capacity applicable to each voltage.


2) The rated output capacity indicated assumes that the output voltage is 440 V for the FR-A840-LC and 690 V for the FR-A870-LC.


3) The % value of the overload current rating indicated is the ratio of the overload current to the inverter’s rated output current. For repeated duty, allow time for the inverter and motor to return to or below the temperatures under 100% load.


4) The maximum output voltage does not exceed the power supply voltage. The maximum output voltage can be changed within the setting range. However, the maximum point of the voltage waveform at the inverter output side is the power supply voltage multiplied by about C 2.


5) The rated input current indicates a value at a rated output voltage. The impedance at the power supply side (including those of the input reactor and cables) affects the rated input current.


6) The power supply capacity is the value when at the rated output current. It varies by the impedance at the power supply side (including those of the input reactor and cables).


7) For the power voltage exceeding 480 V, set Pr.977 Input voltage mode selection.


8) FR-DU08: IP40 (except for the PU connector section)


9) Condensation may occur depending on the humidity and the coolant temperature. Adjust the humidity and the coolant temperature to prevent condensation.


10) For the composition of the coolant, refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.


11) Under normal conditions, keep the flow rate between 3.1 and 3.5 L/min for the FR-A840-03610(132K) or lower, and between 6.5 and 7.0 L/min for the FR-A840-04810(160K) or higher and the FR-A870-03590(280K) or higher. For the details of coolant selection, please contact your sales representative.


12) Temperature applicable for a short time, e.g. in transit. To store the inverter after the coolant has passed through the pipes, fill the pipes with coolant sufficiently enough that it contains antifreezing agent to prevent corrosion. Or fill the pipes with nitrogen gas after the inside of the pipes is fully dried. If any moisture remains inside the pipes, it may react with oxygen in the air to form corrosion.



Power factor improving effect m

Power supply power factor approx. 93 % (at 100 % load)

Power specifications

Three-phase 525 to 690 V AC 50/60 Hz


Surrounding air temperature

-10 °C to + 50 °C (non-freezing)

Ambient humidity

90 %RH or less (non-condensing)

Storage temperature

-20 °C to + 65 °C (non-freezing)


Indoors (free from corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt)


Max.1000 m, 5.9 m/s² or less


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