Seria FR-F800
- Oszczędność energii na najwyższym poziomie, co jest kluczowe dla użytkowników, którzy chcą zredukować zużycie energii.
- Łatwe uruchamianie i wszechstronność, co sprawia, że jest to idealne rozwiązanie do różnorodnych aplikacji.
Przetwornice FR-F800-E z wbudowanym Ethernetem
Kluczowe funkcje serii falowników FR-F800:
- Zaawansowany regulator PID - umożliwia precyzyjne sterowanie procesami takimi jak przepływ, ciśnienie czy temperatura.
- Inteligentne wykrywanie obciążenia - pozwala na dynamiczne dostosowanie parametrów pracy falownika w zależności od rzeczywistego obciążenia.
- Funkcja czyszczenia pompy - automatyczne usuwanie zanieczyszczeń, co zwiększa żywotność pomp i minimalizuje czas przestojów.
- Funkcja wstępnego podgrzewania silnika - zabezpiecza silnik przed kondensacją i ułatwia jego rozruch.
- Tłumienie rezonansów mechanicznych - zapobiega wystąpieniu niepożądanych rezonansów, zwiększając niezawodność systemu.
- Tryb FIRE MODE - w sytuacji zagrożenia pożarowego umożliwia kontynuowanie pracy wentylatorów .
- Inteligentna optymalizacja energetyczna - dodatkowe oszczędności energii, co jest kluczowe dla minimalizacji kosztów eksploatacji.
- Autostrojenie dla silników IM/PM - możliwość samoczynnej kalibracji zarówno dla silników indukcyjnych, jak i silników synchronicznych z magnesami trwałymi.
- Wbudowana funkcja bezpieczeństwa STO (Safe Torque Off) - zabezpieczenie, które zapewnia bezpieczne wyłączenie momentu obrotowego.
- Łatwa konserwacja zapobiegawcza - zaawansowane funkcje konserwacji pozwalają na diagnostykę i zapobieganie potencjalnym awariom.
- Wbudowany sterownik PLC - możliwość elastycznego programowania dodatkowych funkcji aplikacyjnych.
- Łatwy do uruchomienia - intuicyjne interfejsy oraz opcje połączeń z HMI, takie jak plug-and-play.
Interfejs użytkownika i dodatkowe opcje
- FR-DU08/FR-LU08 - interfejsy te ułatwiają zarządzanie falownikiem, a dostępność HMI typu plug and play pozwala na szybką integrację i łatwe sterowanie.
- Opcje obsługi różnych sieci przemysłowych i dodatkowe opcje we/wy pozwalają na elastyczną integrację z różnymi systemami automatyki.
Korzyści dla użytkownika:
- Wydłużony okres eksploatacji - seria FR-F800 została zaprojektowana z myślą o długiej, niezawodnej pracy, z wysoką odpornością na różnorodne warunki środowiskowe.
- 3-letnia gwarancja - gwarancja Mitsubishi Electric daje pewność użytkownikowi co do jakości i niezawodności produktu.
- Łatwa modernizacja - kompatybilność z wcześniejszymi generacjami umożliwia modernizację bez potrzeby większych przeróbek instalacji.
- Bezpieczeństwo środowiskowe i zgodność elektryczna - spełnia najnowsze standardy dotyczące ochrony środowiska i bezpieczeństwa elektrycznego.
Model FR-F846-E2
Product line |
FR-F846- m -E2-60L2 |
00023 |
00038 |
00052 |
00083 |
00126 |
00170 |
00250 |
00310 |
00380 |
00470 |
00620 |
00770 |
00930 |
01160 |
01800 |
02160 |
02600 |
03250 |
03610 |
Output |
Rated motor capacity 1 kW |
150 % overload capacity (LD) |
150 % overload capacity (LD) |
0.75 |
1.5 |
2.2 |
3.7 |
5.5 |
7.5 |
11 |
15 |
18.5 |
22 |
30 |
37 |
45 |
55 |
75 |
90 |
110 |
132 |
160 |
Rated motor capacity 1 kW |
200 % overload capacity (ND) |
200 % overload capacity (ND) |
0.4 |
0.75 |
1.5 |
2.2 |
3.7 |
5.5 |
7.5 |
11 |
15 |
18.5 |
22 |
30 |
37 |
45 |
55 |
75 |
90 |
110 |
132 |
Rated current A |
150 % overload capacity (LD) |
I rated |
2.1 |
3.5 |
4.8 |
7.6 |
11.5 |
16 |
23 |
29 |
35 |
43 |
57 |
70 |
85 |
106 |
144 |
180 |
216 |
260 |
325 |
Rated current A |
150 % overload capacity (LD) |
I max. 60 s |
2.5 |
4.2 |
5.8 |
9.1 |
13.8 |
19.2 |
27.6 |
34.8 |
42.0 |
51.6 |
68.4 |
84.0 |
102.0 |
127.2 |
173 |
216 |
260 |
312 |
390 |
Rated current A |
150 % overload capacity (LD) |
I max. 3 s |
3.2 |
5.3 |
7.2 |
11.4 |
17.3 |
24.0 |
34.5 |
43.5 |
52.5 |
64.5 |
85.5 |
105.0 |
127.5 |
159.0 |
216 |
270 |
324 |
390 |
488 |
Rated current A |
200 % overload capacity (ND) |
I rated |
1.5 |
2.5 |
4 |
6 |
9 |
12 |
17 |
23 |
31 |
38 |
44 |
57 |
71 |
86 |
110 |
144 |
180 |
216 |
260 |
Rated current A |
200 % overload capacity (ND) |
I max. 60 s |
2.3 |
3.8 |
6.0 |
9.0 |
13.5 |
18.0 |
25.5 |
34.5 |
46.5 |
57.0 |
66.0 |
85.5 |
106.5 |
129.0 |
165 |
216 |
270 |
324 |
390 |
Rated current A |
200 % overload capacity (ND) |
I max. 3 s |
3.0 |
5.0 |
8.0 |
12.0 |
18.0 |
24.0 |
34.0 |
46.0 |
62.0 |
76.0 |
88.0 |
114.0 |
142.0 |
172.0 |
220 |
288 |
360 |
432 |
520 |
Overload capacity 2 |
LD |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
120 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 150 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
Overload capacity 2 |
ND |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
150 % of rated motor capacity for 60 s; 200 % for 3 s (max. ambient temperature 50 °C) |
Voltage 3 |
Voltage 3 |
Voltage 3 |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
3-phase AC, 380–500 V to power supply voltage |
Frequency rangeHz |
Frequency rangeHz |
Frequency rangeHz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
0.2–590 Hz |
Control method |
Control method |
Control method |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
U/f; advanced magnetic flux vector, real sensorless vector (RSV), closed loop vector, PM sensorless vector control |
Maximum brake torque Regenerative |
Maximum brake torque Regenerative |
Maximum brake torque Regenerative |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
10 % torque/100 % ED |
Input |
Power supply voltage |
Power supply voltage |
Power supply voltage |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
3-phase, 380–500 V AC, -15 %/+10 % |
Voltage range |
Voltage range |
Voltage range |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
323–550 V AC at 50/60 Hz (Undervoltage level is selectable by parameter) |
Power supply frequency |
Power supply frequency |
Power supply frequency |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
50/60 Hz ±5 % |
Rated input current 4 A |
LD |
2.1 |
3.5 |
4.8 |
7.6 |
11.5 |
16 |
23 |
29 |
35 |
43 |
57 |
70 |
85 |
106 |
144 |
180 |
216 |
260 |
325 |
Rated input current 4 A |
ND |
1.5 |
2.5 |
4 |
6 |
9 |
12 |
17 |
23 |
31 |
38 |
44 |
57 |
71 |
86 |
110 |
144 |
180 |
216 |
260 |
Power supply capacity 5 kVA |
LD |
1.6 |
2.7 |
3.7 |
5.8 |
9 |
12 |
18 |
22 |
27 |
33 |
43 |
53 |
65 |
81 |
110 |
137 |
165 |
198 |
248 |
Power supply capacity 5 kVA |
ND |
1.1 |
1.9 |
3 |
4.6 |
6.9 |
9 |
13 |
18 |
24 |
29 |
34 |
43 |
54 |
66 |
102 |
110 |
137 |
165 |
198 |
Others |
Cooling |
Cooling |
Cooling |
Self cooling |
Self cooling |
Self cooling |
Self cooling |
Self cooling |
Self cooling |
Fan cooling |
Fan cooling |
Fan cooling |
Fan cooling |
Fan cooling |
Fan cooling |
Fan cooling |
Fan cooling |
Fan cooling |
Fan cooling |
Fan cooling |
Fan cooling |
Fan cooling |
Protective structure 6 |
Protective structure 6 |
Protective structure 6 |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Dust- and water-proof type (IP55) |
Max. heat dissipation 7 kW |
LD |
50 |
70 |
80 |
120 |
160 |
230 |
325 |
370 |
440 |
530 |
700 |
840 |
1060 |
1260 |
1750 |
2210 |
2700 |
2900 |
3700 |
Max. heat dissipation 7 kW |
ND |
40 |
55 |
70 |
100 |
130 |
170 |
230 |
295 |
400 |
460 |
545 |
705 |
880 |
1060 |
1300 |
1800 |
1150 |
2400 |
2900 |
Weight kg |
Weight kg |
Weight kg |
15 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
26 |
26 |
27 |
27 |
59 |
60 |
63 |
64 |
147 |
150 |
153 |
189 |
193 |
Dimensions (WxHxD) mm |
Dimensions (WxHxD) mm |
Dimensions (WxHxD) mm |
238x520x271 |
238x520x271 |
238x520x271 |
238x520x271 |
238x520x271 |
238x520x271 |
238x650x285 |
238x650x285 |
238x650x285 |
238x650x285 |
345x790x357 |
345x790x357 |
345x790x357 |
345x790x357 |
420x1360x 456.6 |
420x1360x 456.6 |
420x1510x456.6 |
420x1510x456.6 |
420x1510x456.6 |
- The applicable motor capacity indicated is the maximum capacity applicable for use of the Mitsubishi 4-pole standard motor. The 200 % overload capacity (ND) is the factory default setting.
- The % value of the overload capacity indicates the ratio of the overload current to the inverter's rated output current. For repeated duty, allow time for the inverter and motor to return to or below the temperatures under 100 % load. The waiting periods can be calculated using the r.m.s. current method (I²xt), which requires knowledge of the duty.
- The maximum output voltage does not exceed the power supply voltage. The maximum output voltage can be changed within the setting range. However, the pulse voltage value of the inverter output side voltage remains unchanged at about √2 that of the power supply.
- The rated input capacity varies depending on the impedance values on the power supply side of the inverter (including the cables and input choke).
- The rated input capacity varies depending on the impedance values on the power supply side of the inverter (including the cables and input choke).
- FR-DU08: IP40 (except for the PU connector)
- The values displays the maximum possible heat dissipation. Please consider this values during setup of the cabinet.
- Models mentioned above: FR-F846-00023-E2-60L2, FR-F846-00038-E2-60L2, , FR-F846-00052-E2-60L2, FR-F846-00083-E2-60L2, FR-F846-00126-E2-60L2, FR-F846-00170-E2-60L2, FR-F846-00250-E2-60L2, FR-F846-00310-E2-60L2, FR-F846-00380-E2-60L2, FR-F846-00470-E2-60L2, FR-F846-00620-E2-60L2, FR-F846-00770-E2-60L2, FR-F846-00930-E2-60L2, FR-F846-01160-E2-60L2, FR-F846-01800-E2-60L2, FR-F846-02160-E2-60L2, FR-F846-02600-E2-60L2, FR-F846-03250-E2-60L2, FR-F846-03610-E2-60L2